
Deep Dream by Lali Puna/Jacqueline Hofer

The Bucket (not a real video though 🙂

“Move On” by Yu Sato

“That Day” by Yu Sato

“Micronomic” by Luis Briceno

“Micronomic” by Catrin Sonnabend

Lali Puna vs Bomb The Bass: “Clear Cut” by Patricia Lewandowska

“Antena Trash” by Anton Kaun

“Machines Are Human” by Lali Puna/Trampauline


  1. Bonjour, Olá, Hi!
    I’m french and portuguese and I specially love your songs in Portuguese.
    Why do you have songs in Portuguese?
    Are you scheduling to come in Paris?
    The place called “Cabaret Sauvage” is absolutely fantastic for an intimate concert. Wooden hall surrounded by a park.

  2. Hi Vali und co., schade dass Puch heute abgesagt wurde. Seit ihr irgendwann mal wieder in München oder in der Nähe zu hören. Wär echt toll 😉

    Erhabene Grüße,

  3. As wonderful as the first time I heard your music 10 years ago. Excellent all round.

    PS. Also love The Notwist, Mr Acher 😉 Neon Golden is ace.

  4. As wonderful as the first time I heard your music 10 years ago. Excellent all round.

    PS. Also love The Notwist, Mr Acher 😉 Neon Golden is ace.

  5. für Valerie,
    kann ich die Lyrics von “Common Ground” erhalten?
    danke im voraus
    mit herzlichsten Grüßen und Wünschen für die erhabene Musikarbeit

    1. Ole1 galera , amo muito uma mienna que se chama Ananda acho essa musica muito a nossa cara e queria provar meu amor a ela , pee7o na humildade um joinha de voceas ficaria muito grato,obrigado. JAH BLESSAnanda , amo vocea ! ♥

  6. It was great having you at Gebaeude9 after all that years ! your back !
    btw: your schlagzeuger wollte mir seine emailad geben um ihm seinen fav adriano celentano song zu schicken…

  7. Enfin!! je n’osais plus espérer! Un son que j’adore, des concerts que j’adore.
    A quand à Toulouse? (svp 🙂

  8. i’m listening to (y)our inventions in streaming while commenting. i’ve been waiting for this for the last 5 years… well, it was worth the wait. you have pushed your sound another bit further. wunderbar. das ist wunderbar. really.

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