
Deep Dream by Lali Puna/Jacqueline Hofer

The Bucket (not a real video though 🙂

“Move On” by Yu Sato

“That Day” by Yu Sato

“Micronomic” by Luis Briceno

“Micronomic” by Catrin Sonnabend

Lali Puna vs Bomb The Bass: “Clear Cut” by Patricia Lewandowska

“Antena Trash” by Anton Kaun

“Machines Are Human” by Lali Puna/Trampauline


  1. Beautiful, We will see The Notwist in London this year. Maybe I get to Bavaria again this year, I hope so. Its hard to find good bread in U.K.
    Much Love to all. Perhaps Lali Puna come to the UK?

  2. hello, i’m from a island Guadeloupe of Caraibe and i love your music!!!
    De puis votre premier album, j’Ă©coute vos mĂ©lodies, j’aime la facon dont vous tratez vos sons!

  3. “don’t think” is one of 10 pieces of music selected by Yukihiro Takahashi, who is the most leading Japanese musician, he likes.

  4. I love your music and I would like to use your song “Bi-pet” as a soundtrack for a video that I would post on the blog Refractive Index of Imperial College.
    How could I contact you, please, for the copyright of the song and having your permission?
    Thanks guys! Always great!

  5. Hello! I fell in love with your sound in 2001, ages ago! I was lucky enough to see you guys at a small club in Chicago back in 2003 or so! I must be the biggest (and the oldest…haha)fan here in U.S. All the best to you Lali Puna! I am happy that you guys are back!

  6. Greetings from Spain, you have big fans over here as well!!

    GrĂĽsse aus Spanien, hier hast Du auch grosse Fans!!!

  7. hi there! just want to say that i “found” Lali Puna some days ago and oh yeeah i am so happy now and can`t wait to come home from my job to listen it again!

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